A scientific approximation for the number of niggers in a given location
Albert: This place looks kind of sketch. How many nig figs?
Sanjit: According to my calculations, there are 10,001.5 of them
Albert: Shit. I think my bike just got stolen
by bromine24 November 3, 2014
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"Fig nuts" is a term popularized by the Adult Swim cartoon "Sealab 2021". Captain Murphy uses this term as an insult to people who he thinks are stupid, ignorant, or annoying.
(On his radio show)
Caller: Hi I'm Larry.
Captain Murphy: Where's Moe and Curly, fig nuts?"

Captain Murphy (responding to profanity): I don't know who you are but I run a clean show here. (Sound of toilet flushing) Maybe this will wash your mouth out, fig nuts."
by Atticus145 July 29, 2009
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the same thing as figging only with someone in your family.
(read in Texan accent )
Sister: HEY brother, let's do some Alabama figging tonight.
Brother: Sure thang deer.
sister: I sure does likes me some fresh ginger!
by GrotesqueAnal December 5, 2016
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g-fig is actually an abrviation for the acronym gwpisutopifgs, which stands for girl who's personality is so undesireable their only purpose is for getting some.
It is generally used to desribe girls, but by simply replacing girl with guy it can be used in a very similar manner to desribe guys. Being a g-fig is much worse than being a chickenhead.
Dude, Ambria's such a g-fig, i'm definately gonna get a blumpkin from her. And get a picture of it.
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Replacement term for the F word referring to homosexuals, does not sting as much when used negatively.
"Quit being a fig newton, I'm trying to watch the stream"
by Fundabz June 7, 2013
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ring peice, old rinkled looking fig.
lick my fig
by i love fig June 15, 2003
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To take a shit on the morning after a night out on the booze and junk food.
I had a skin full of beer and a stomach full of curry and curled off a bowl of greasy figs this morning.
by Ben kill June 16, 2007
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