Katherine, an amazing girl who goes threw a lot she hides it so other people don’t have to worry about her. But when you see how sad she is, you’ll feel so bad. She puts the people she love and even people she doesn’t like before her. She I insure and she has big trust issues.

She loves to party and also happy around people. She tried harming herself and hides it, she tried leaving this world and hides it. She hates herself but she tries so hard to hide it.

She misses a lot of people. A lot people just used her and it hurts you know, she cry’s and just wants help. If you ever meet a do not let her go cause if you do you don’t know what she will do. Keep her happy
Tom: Bro did you see Katherine’s body, she is thicker then a snicker
Friend: Stop! She is really hurting lately, and what she needs is support not a cocky dude trying to get pussy
Tom: Jeez ok bye!
by Eat_moreEggs June 27, 2019
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Katherine is very motherly like, she will protect any of her friends, and family with any cost, if you mess with her or them, she will cut you. She is broken on the inside but manages to have a kind and innocent personality on the surface, she is perfect and beautiful. She is strong in any way. Again, if you mess with her she will cut you. Katherine is a good friend, but when it comes to depression, she will cry, or fake smile. AGAIN if you do mess with her or her friends and family, you’re dead, don’t say I didn’t warn you!
Guy1: Hey did you see Katherine over there?
Guy2: Yea-
Katherine: *touches Guy1’s shoulder with an iron grip* Hi! I’m Katherine nice to meet ya! *as she smiles creepily*
by IAmHereeeeee November 22, 2018
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Insanely Hot! Amazing In bed! Sexy no matter what!! Badass Bitch!!
"Keep your Katherine away from the other guys!!"
"Damn Daniel your Katherine is so hot!!"
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A human-lizard-fish hybrid who steals Edward's answers and gets away with it because she has beautiful eyes that you can not stop loosing yourself in.
Wow, was that Katherine?


*seal clapping*
by NotALizardFishHybrid April 16, 2017
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Katherine - noun

Katherine is a keeper! She is a mix of the best qualities! Only problem is she is hard to get. Katherine's are normally shorter than average but make it up in spirit! Katherines are geniuses and often ace every test! They obsess over animals and always want to talk about what they did at horseback riding last weekend! They are shy around new people and never want to draw attention to themselves. Around people she may seem very quiet and shy but with her friends she is the life of the party! They normally have bright blue eyes that you notice the moment you see her! Katherine always knows how to make people smile! All the teachers love her but most people don't know she exists. Katherine is often bullied and rarely is confident enough to stand up for herself. But when it comes to others she will always have their back. Katherines are small, innocent, and sensitive and if will normally need to be protected from others. She is pure and never understands dirty jokes. She is shy and it takes a lot to become her friend, if you are mean to her she will hide away and take it very badly.
Me: Ugg! I bombed this test!

Katherine: What did you get?

Me: 87!

Katherine: that's not that bad!

Me: what did you get?

Katherine: (mumbles) 110...

Me: of course!
by Animal lover 123 May 7, 2017
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A bad girl she loves being with her boyfriend she's emotional sometimes but she's amazing she started being a hoe but then she turns loyal she also pretty
Bet , get yourself a Katherin and never let her go cuz once she leaves you'll miss her
by Danvasquex April 5, 2017
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