an eye rolling face on msn. used for annoying situations.
person 1: holy man, i hate you! i hope you die!!111!

person 2: 8-) okay then
by Kitty Cakes. April 5, 2009
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txt speak for either 'I'm horny' or 'thats sexy'. May be used sarcastically.
She txted "I was so drunk, I puked 4 times. I woke up this morning wth dried pke in my hair and on my face"
I replied ": ) 8--"
by MargaritaVillain January 22, 2009
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If you look at it, it looks like a small shaft of a penis and a pair of big balls
Did you see Dankmemes last night?
No, Why?
/u/diedin1988 just posted a new funny number!
What is it?
by Dangtelis December 8, 2020
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Symbol of a lady (hince the boobs)
Cameron: Look willie i made a lady with big boobs: :)----8----<
Wille:Thas whatssup! Id be on her like ugly on an ape :D
by Cameron Wilson :D January 24, 2009
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When you stick your BBC (Big Black Cock) into your sidechick's booty or pussy. You da fuck cares if your stick it in both holes.
She went to suck on my <===8.
by bIG_bLaCK-DicK April 27, 2018
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A pervert drooling smiley face, used to denote kinky/lustful thoughts.
Lianne: Now I'm horny, ty
Bob: Can I help? 8) )---
by Verciretti August 6, 2007
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