She is pretty smart and little arrogant.But she like to be friends with you!
She sometime have crush on someone.Shes little shy
and when her friends is sad she give a hug. She is very polite
sometimes she is quick to get angry but cute
guy: Look at her she look so beautiful and polite

Who is she?
Me: She is Emilia
by liyahana June 9, 2021
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Emilia is the only girl I know who is just so perfect, so amaazzinnnggg. She is super pretty, has such a good sense of humor, and is the BEST best friend you could get. She likes to have fun by joking and teasing, and she loves inside jokes. She is my favourite bitch, haha and she also a boy magnet. bruhhh. Like i can't describe but when you are with her it's the best. If you ever get an Emilia to like you keep her and if you do anything, ANYTHING, to hurt her, when she would do absolutely everything for you, I will fucking beat the shit out of you.
That girl is so pretty... her name has got to be emilia! ;)
by iamthatbitch77 June 7, 2020
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A back-stabbing bitch slut who would stab you in the back as soon as look at you. A man-stealer, a whore, and a fake idiot.
You: Who is that ugly chick over there?
Girl: Oh, that's Emilia, she's a total slut.

I would never want to be an Emilia.

Guy: Would you date that chick over there?
Guy's friend: No way, I'd never date an Emilia.
by ganagirl95 October 23, 2011
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Ugh! What an Emilia!”
by N1GG3RL0V3R69 February 27, 2019
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The kind of girl who other girls are friends with just because she has a big house. Wears clothes that really dont leave much to the imagination and will make fun of your boyfriend until the day she sleeps with him, and then she will try and make some new friends, and most likely sleep with their boyfriends too.
girl one-DAMN, some bitch slept with my boyfriend!
girl two-her name was probably Emilia.

Guy-hey look at that chick! shes wearing virtually nothing to the mall!
Girl-oh lawd, its Emilia.
by What you lookin at? July 18, 2009
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acts like a crackhead in ela and her teacher's yell at her for smiling because her teeth are jacked up, talks too much and also eats lucky charms in class, also makes her friends feel like a piece of shit, quotes vines a lot, wears whack clothes
Emilia: TURK!
Retard: wtf....
Retard 2: crackhead
by crackhead 2 February 11, 2018
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