When you get a sloppy blowjob by a girl with a ton of Dip in her mouth and your shaft starts looking like a living turd.
"Ay can you give me a Sloppy Dallas tonight?"
"Sorry brother but dad will beat us again when i do that."
by kickaboo_ October 15, 2020
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A sloppy Dallas is when Your girlfriend tries to give you a BJ with dip in her mouth
Yeehaw Yeehaw that thick Latina gave me that sloppy Dallas so good my peen looks like a lawn clippings
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The act of giving or getting a blowjob while packing a fat lip of dip.
by Vandriver825 October 15, 2020
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When one participant is giving oral sex to another participant with a mouth full of dip.
My Girl was over last night and gave me one hell of a sloppy dallas
by Taipaz October 15, 2020
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When a female gives a male a blowjob but she has a mouthful of dip.
"She gave me a Sloppy Dallas and all the dip spit went everywhere."
by SheMcNasty October 15, 2020
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