(n. ) -- Logic that only the most sophisticated GPS devices can track, and therefore not very logical in fact.
"I can't believe my ex-wife said that about me. Only the most sophisticated GPS devices can track that kind of logic. That's what I call GPS logic at work!"

overheard at a watercooler in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2012
by PRwiz101 January 11, 2012
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!.The logic that if you eat a person they never truly existed
2.A Rock Band band

~created by mike,renee,and nicole
1.Cannibal "who's fred"
other person "dude you ate him"
cannibal " he never existed....Thats cannibal logic"

2.better then carnivorous penguins
by Mike,Renee,Nicole December 24, 2007
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If a person or thing is eaten, life continues as if it didn't exist
Person 2: Hey where did your arm go
Person 1: hmmm i have no idea what your talking about
Person 2: your right arm is gone
Person 1: oh yeah hmm dunno where it went
Cannibal: it never existed, thats Cannibal Logic
by Lang Bomb September 2, 2008
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Ezme logic is when ezme says something stupid like ‘I can walk through the current in a waterfall’ and everyone else is js liek r u for fucking real
by Idfkasksomeoneelse September 8, 2023
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Logic that surpasses anyones logic and can only be understood by humans with higher knowledge of the worlds inner workings
Well done you’ve ascended to Gaz Logic
by Ben Greet August 3, 2022
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When someone decides to drop all logic and start spouting.
I beat Carson in an argument and then he started pulling out Doser Logic.
by The Dog Outside January 5, 2023
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When a good friend will charge you for simple favors.
Can you help me install my TV, jorge?
"I need a tip to help you out."
Yup Jorge logic.
by Metal Kite March 20, 2020
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