A scaudly person who has a fetish for dirty crusty hair and skin. Is very good at their job. Has a favourite colleague but won't tell them. Can often look like they want to kill someone on the daily. Fiesty like a jalapeno pizza
That one is an absolute Christ Barnes
by November 30, 2021
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another way to say Christmas.

A very merry way to speak like Dane Cook,

without using his direct words.

on accout of, he hasnt said this directly.
but its so like him he might as well of said it.
Guy 1: Bro, what do u want for Holy Christ Day??
Guy 2: A pimpcup and some Christ Chex.
Guy 1: I can do that.
Guy 2: I wanna open up the box and it to say AAAMEENNNN.
Guy 1: Dane Cook?
Guy 2: Inderectly.
Guy 1: oh, so is Holy Christ Day.
Guy 2: Ahh, i see.
by stripes is not my name September 24, 2009
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A plastic false face usually Caucasian with a strained look of hope burnt in facial expression leaving dopy arrogant hays on there face at all times.
Did Kevin Sorbo alway have resting christ face? My stomach Never turned from watching that hercules show
by Sub128 January 31, 2021
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A drug seller who sells false dream
I meet a dark Christ got some saver. Let's get the resurrection.
by Goodchild May 13, 2015
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A spiritual sexual act, used to assert dominance on the Mormons. To complete the holy act, you will need a flash light, and a crucifix. Once you have convinced the dirty Mormon girl to bless you with her precious womb, you will position her into the “doggy” position. (You must ensure the room is completely dark) as you proceed to pound away, you sneak out the flash light and crucifix. With Cheetah like speed you turn on the flashlight and jam it into her anal cavity, to where the light is shining into your face, and proceed to raise the cross above your head, announcing that Jesus has been resurrected.
“As the light of holiness touched my face, and the cross was above my head, she coward in fear. For Jesus had been rebirth’Ed in her womb. The “Resurrection of Christ.”
by Daddydamon94 January 21, 2021
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A band that is on the way up. The band members consist of:

David - Lead Vocalist/Bad Keyboardist
Danny - Bad Drummer
Bruan - Bad Guitarist

We currently practice a variety of genres including:
We hope to record an album later this year using all of these styles for an amazing experimental album!
Guy 1: Hey man, you heard that latest band Criminal Way Christ?

Guy 2: Hell yeah, they are bitchin'
by TheRapin April 25, 2006
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