The smartest, most Humble, Most Kingly and lastly, the Sirest Sir.
Sir King Genius The Humble is so Humble, Sir, King, Genius and The.
by Sakik0 November 24, 2021
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a very nice friend who you can always count on. yes they may be ignoring ur texts for hours but they are very extremely funny‼️ will support you in some decisions. makes fun of ppl often. and will tag u in the most random videos. and a baka onichan san sensei ofc!
sir papa is smart !!
by sir papa the second March 24, 2021
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A butt crack of a male or female that is extra long. Almost appearing to start at the lower back. When one observes Sir Long Crack one must sing the Sir Long Crack Tune,

Sir Long Crack, Sir Long Crack, the most wonderful crack around,

Sir Long Crack, Sir Long Crack, the longest crack in town.
Sir Long Crack is protruding from the top of your trousers.
by Big Juice Boy November 23, 2021
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Absolute gay lord that posts art online.

Has a big pp though..
Sir Smiifie? Kinda mid tbh..
by Not Sir_Smiifie July 1, 2023
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An amazing person no matter what people say. To start off making this amazing person, begun with a base of funny af, next add on sweetness and niceness, lastly add in sexy. This man is a 1 in 7.8 billion chance and if you get to meet him you are lucky. Sir Orbit will always stick by your side no matter what. He isn't the smartest of the group but definitely is always the funniest. (Please approve this. My friend (Sir Orbit) is actually a really nice guy.)
Person 1: Bro Sir Orbit is so funny!
Person 2: Not to mention his super nice!
by Sebsomeone. March 1, 2022
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An awesome guy who respects Naisha and calls her ma'am
He that m3d sir
by Duckiethemotherducker November 23, 2021
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