Yoongi - an exhibit of a type of behaviour that is similar to a kitten's
"he truly is the tiniest kitten of them all"
by 061jcsom April 21, 2018
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When two girls have sex and cum in each others mouth, then the other girl lays on the floor while the girl humps her
Two girls have sex and it gets wild , and they do the happy kitten
by Mooer55 July 18, 2017
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When your partner shits so hard they invert their asshole, and you then proceed to give them a rim job.
Hey bob I heard Dave gave your sister a kitten snowboard." "Yeah dude, that was super nice of him, an injury like that could easily become infected if not properly cleaned.
by pseudonym1424 October 26, 2010
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My girlfriend was pissing kittens when she found out I was cheating on her with her Mom.
by Sleepover Gang Party January 27, 2023
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A toy designed for kittens to play with.
I got kitten toys for our kittens.
by Ritacca March 8, 2023
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An infection given to you by a dog licking you corrosively. It may cause you to get sick or just the ick. Be caution and get a cat
by Sorryimstillhere November 22, 2022
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