The most amazing girl in the world

which dray called dibs on so everyone else can cry and he doesn't share
Kayla is beautiful
by Dray Hunt March 30, 2022
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Perfect for Ciaran ❤️
Kayla loves Ciaran "Love" 😍
by Kkkkkk78668 January 4, 2020
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Loves self
Fat ass butt
Short asf
Will beat that ass.
by _Methane March 29, 2023
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Kayla’s have brown hair, with blue eyes, and glasses. The cutest girl you’ll ever meet who tends to not believe she is until the right person says something to her. She is usually short, but that is made up by her funny/kind personality and big butt. The shortness also makes her very cute though. When she likes someone she is shy to make the first move, but when it’s made she is all over that person. She loves watching movies with the people she likes and is a pretty good kisser. She hates the cold and loves taking naps. She doesn’t like sea food, so just stay away from fish around her. Once you meet a Kayla you will be stunned by how likable she is as a person, but also how cute she is.
Kayla is to damn cute
by Impetusss November 10, 2021
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A short gremlin, cheats on her wives, emo as fuck, furry
"hey who's that?"
"thats the short one who looks like a gremlin and has a collection of fur suits at home"
"oh kayla!"
by lyxaura July 23, 2022
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