Shit in a Sheila’s cunt, fuck her, then pull it out, let the shit dry around your cock before you continue to fuck her until you cum. You remove the cum filled shit cover off your cock and press over the opening to close it. Refrigerator for an hour then serve. Thust resulting in a Mexican snooker doodle or milky bar
Hey Pete did you hear about Stacey?
Nah man what happened?
Gave her some infection after giving her a Mexican snicker doodle on the weekend
No way bro! That’s crazy
by Vinderskidz September 8, 2023
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An air-headed left-winger with myopic vision. A Dipper Doodle will insist on pushing their opinion on others but be void of any logic and reason. If you question a Dipper Doodle, they will get angry and start name calling instead of engaging in a debate. They only talk, they have no ears.
Obmacare is a failure that is destroying a good healthcare system to in order to nationalize it, just as what the NAZI's did in Germany.. Dipper Doodle's Reply: It is Bush's fault. There are wars still going on all over the world that involve the US. Dipper Doodle's Reply: Its all Bushes fault.
by Middle Earth January 30, 2014
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Dude I just doodle heisted that dudes doodle.
by guyFox September 29, 2012
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“My cats were hoodling-doodling on my bed last night. it was gross.”
by stabbity February 8, 2019
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