Hey! Are you a Greg?
Hell yeah! I am truly Greg

Cool,me too honestly
by SKZ 4TH GEN LEADERS July 4, 2023
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Changbin: I love you, Greg.
Stays: all of a sudden my name's greg
by andioop_sksksksksk October 16, 2020
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Samwiz1 on youtube has been looking for greg on hightower servers ever since
Greg is said to be still not found to this day.
by guymanperson420 December 2, 2020
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Someone who turns every conversation into a question of whether they're racist/sexist.
Ex. "Why don't you want to go to that street for some food?"
"You guys are seriously calling me racist just because I don't want to go to that street?"

"Don't be such a Greg".
by Bookjackets July 2, 2017
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A one eyed kitten with a pathetic frown who shits everywhere, rescued from the side of the road by a Facebook dad trying to look like a superhero, he then forces his kids to like it and pet it even though they hate it
"Greg is such a stupid fucking kitten."
by DICK AND FUCKING BALLS October 30, 2023
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