when you take shit literaly
Person 1; wow you are so dumb
Person 2; *proceeds to take stuff as inside jokes and definitions*
by UrMomfaggot May 21, 2021
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The love of my life Sam 👩 ❤️ 💋 👩👩 ❤️ 💋 👩
by Sam is the loml May 14, 2023
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When the definition of a word describes the people who use the word, rather than what the word is. Usually used when someone is extremely angry at being called said word.

Anti-Definitions commonly start with "A term used by," "A word used by," ETC
Extremely angry Urban Dictionary poster who got called a loser a few minutes ago: "Loser: A term used by terminally online and friendless people who SUCK!"

Normal, well-adjusted person looking for the actual word: "I came here to look for what the word means, not an Anti-Definition."
by Stinkton October 25, 2023
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“wait i can’t remove definitions?”
“well oh god oh no oh god”
by June 28, 2022
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