Devlin field is a field where high schoolers go and drink . They call it “town” multiple kids have “died” at devlin meaning either drank or smoked to much , cops have been called multiple times on these teens but none have been caught everyone runs . Summer at devlin field are sometimes packed with heads of kids drinking and smoking . Security comes all the time to kick the kids out .nothing will ever stop these kids from coming here thru out the year
by Truefacts12345678 October 2, 2018
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A term used by enlisted in the military: When a Soldier/Marine (normally E4 and below) has been in the field for so long that every female they see appears attractive to them.
Pvt Piles: “Man have you seen Specialist Jones???… I never realized how hot she is until now.”
Pfc Brown: “No way bro you need to take off your field goggles.”
by Y-U-Doo-Dat?23 May 7, 2023
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The effect in which one can use long distances or obstacles to deter passerbyes from starting a conflict when engaging in activities that said passing people may find unpleasent or "wrong". The field effect also allows for an unobstructed 360 degree view to allow for the spotting of police long before they are close enough to apprehend you.
The field effect allows for the smoking of cannabis in the middle of a field knowing that noone will walk all the way across the field to confront you.
by Monty The White December 28, 2011
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Gapping the field refers to having a very intense and strong last hundred meter dash in a middle distance or long distance race. This term can only be used when someone is clearly picking up pace when coming down the last 200 meter or less during a race.
"Damn Chase and Noah are gapping the field in that 800 meter race."
by Jimmydean1996 May 19, 2016
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Seeing and/or talking tobmore than one female concurrently
Michael's girlfriend found out he was playing on more than one field.
by Felinefrenzy2015 February 5, 2016
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Okie Field Day (sometimes Oklahoma Field Day)

When Oklahoma Weather shuts down the entire state! It can are caused by Tornado’s, Thunderstorms, Ice Storms, Blizzards, etc.

The News announces it’s an Okie Field Day. All State & Federal Offices shutdown. Many small businesses do as well.
1. “Hey did you hear on we’re getting an Okie Field Day?”

“I just saw it on the news! I can’t wait to stop by Wally World for a 30 Pack, then meet up at the Soft Ball Fields!”

2. I hope the blizzard hits while we’re asleep tonight! Maybe we can get an Okie Field Day tomorrow!
by Okie Cub November 7, 2022
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