The act of getting fucked up. Be it THC abuse or by taking shots of Sunny Brook, the curse of the goose is upon you.
Man, i got so goose cursed last night i took my horn out and played it.
by Dr. Goose "Goosey" Cursed November 20, 2010
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A Curse in which you obtain once you've sold your soul to the Jailbreak Discord. This curse gives you a cool green name at a cost of you getting absolutely zero bitches for the rest of your lives.
"Yo man why is Tom still single"
"Because he's cursed with the Curse of the Jailbreak Regular!"
by thatidiotfromdiscord2.0 May 24, 2022
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After reading and imagining oneself in different era's, time's, etc the historian loses a sense of reality and literally, everything becomes relative. Human suffering isn't as bad as others across history have suffered. You borrow words, speech patterns, and mannerisms from other cultures in a different time. You find it hard to interact with people in present society as you present yourself as someone from the past you hold in esteem. You cannot escape the fruits of your own knowledge and are cursed to be a weird unknown thing. An amalgamation of unrelated things without any unifying idea to hold itself together, making it preposterous in the extreme.
Being affected by the Historians Curse the professor was seen as a lunatic as he constantly presented himself as knowing everything whilst acting like a 13th-century townsman looking for God amongst the dead.
by The cursed historian February 19, 2023
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When you always want to be playing on “insert console” but you have things to do.
“Did you heard from Jim he’s been out.”

“I heard he got the curse of the console!”
by Cubeking April 20, 2022
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When you date Irish men and they have small dicks. Aka carrot dicks. It’s a curse. Probably a curse from the English. Can be associated with ginger Irish men but can be all Irish men.
I met this great guy but he is an Irish ginger. He’s been hit with…. The curse of the Irish Carrot. His dick is small and I don’t feel much. I’m devastated.
by Sucks longer May 9, 2022
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The Pharaoh's Curse is a phenomenon, commonly associated with the sentence: "Return the slab!" It's symptoms include: Having Twisting Sand Land music play randomly, coughing up sand, falling into sand, and more.
"Hey did you see how that guy got inflicted by the Pharaoh's Curse?"
by Gregorius Technecities September 10, 2023
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The Smash 2v2 curse is when you play online and get only put in 2v2’s and get a terrible teammate, leading to you loosing valuable GSP because getting second place counts as last place.
I’m in the Smash 2v2 curse and I keep on loosing like 450,000 GSP per match!
by Iilw44 April 21, 2023
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