Just another cute name for your penis.
Oh, don't be frightened. It's only Mr. Winky saying "hi" to you.
by Running Out of Patience January 28, 2007
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"So how was it last night?"
"The foreplay was good, but he had a pinky winky..."

"He's hot but his pinky is so winky!"
by Scram704 September 23, 2009
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A cock which is both short and thin, presumably while erect. Use of the term is usually accompanied by the holding up of the pinky finger, so as to compare it with the alleged pinky winky.
Johnny: "Would you like to go on a second date with me?"
Suzie: "I would, but I don't think we're compatible."
Johnny: "What?!? What was it specifically, if you don'y mind my asking?"
Suzie: "It's not you! It's just that you have, well, a pinky winky."
Johnny: "Ouch! You didn't have to insult me."
Suzie: "What? That's a specific term. Look it up on Urban Dictionary. It means a short, thin cock."
Johnny: "Oh, well I knew it was short, but I always thought it was pretty thick..."
Suzie: "It's actually both the thinnest and the shortest pinky winky I have ever observed in person. And for that I thank you sir!"
Johnny: "I really hate you right now."
by StonerWithATinyBoner November 16, 2014
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Tinky Winky is the tallest (and most noticable) Telletubby.

He is purple, with a purple triangle-shaped stem on his head. He enjoys singing, dancing, toting his pink purse, and most likely frequenting gay clubs after a hard day in Telletubby land.
Dipsy: Tinky Winky! Will you play with Laa-Laa's ball?

Tinky Winky: Dipsy, you and I both know you aren't articulate enough to form those sentences!

Dipsy: Oh... Erm, Tinky-Winky play with ball?

Tinky Winky: How about we play with two, big boy?

Dipsy: (cries)
by Joel April 13, 2005
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After I saw my mom naked, I suffered from dinky winky for a week
by Holden McCrank March 15, 2003
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