Similar to burned fur. They were weres once taken by the mundane world tourtured mutilated a horrible new fandom. They hate weres beyond belef. I think otherkin4breakfast is one and so am I. They tend to spend time insulting weres and making fun of there belefs. How they are formed take a were and put him or her on a were site they get flamed and they flame back then the manager bans the newbie. FUCK FACISM. If they would just let me back on the fuckin site I would not be a burned were.
Lupine Shawn is a burned were.
by Lupine Shawn March 22, 2005
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When you tease a fat bitch so mutch she commits suicide
hey kane, that fat bitch killed herself c0z we teased her... were fucked!
by Jack Tempest September 9, 2003
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The correct New Jersey pronunciation of the word "whore".
She is not a whore, she is a who-were.
by Mikecad January 13, 2013
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Susan were not dating just stop asking me to do stuff with you
Person 1: "Jerry will you go on a picnic with me?"
Person 2: "No stupid ass were not dating"
Person 1 does not understand the term 'break up'
by JerryDoesThings November 14, 2020
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A werebadger is a lonely fat loser, who is totally in love with a scruffy looking stoner. The were badger is known to have breath that smells like a thousand burning piles of shit and old people. The werebadger human form is a fat roundish teenager, he is a follower to the greatest extent and is known to wear the same thing everyday of his life. He also tires to copy the people around him and thinks he is a ladies badger. But when the moon is full he transforms into the werebadger. When this happens he has an undying lust for elderly women and young boys. He will sting them with sick ass breath drag them to his lair and dress them up like the stoner he’s in love with and then he fucks them. And after they to become werebadger and must bring him a stoner every full moon. A way to tell if you see a werebadger is if he waddles and has very stinky breath.
Zach: WHOA! Be Careful Coles A Werebadger man hell drag you to his lair.
by Bo Bo The Wigger April 21, 2005
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A phrase popularised by the Angry Video Game Nerd. Often used in reviews to point out a really shitty feature/scene/piece of shit.

Can also be used to show one's dissatisfaction with something.
Mike: There are aliens in the fourth Indiana Jones.
Jim: What were they thinking?!
by Nitemarish September 6, 2009
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Were Just friends means they go to each other house and fuck each other.
Were Just friends; )
by Call me at 6054756968 July 9, 2019
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