Literally 'One who wanks' (masturbates)
Used derogatively to infer one who is unable to get any and relieve their need to wank due to gross personality defects.

Australian (and particularly Melburnian) usage infers one who is a pseudo-intellectual or more generally speaking out of their arseholes in an effort to impress.

See also: Tosser, Tosspot, Pillock, jerk, arsehole, wanka, wank.
'you, my friend, are a wanker.'
by Wylis June 20, 2006
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a person of great stupidity and annoyance who doesnt get inside jokes
A person is a wanker if they are a boob.
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One who excessively masterbates... there lives are no more then the dream of going home and wacking off to an imaginery image of a dream girl they will never have...
also see Brian M.
by Capt Penguin n Capt Duckie August 3, 2003
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A person who is addicted to playing themselves.
John is a wanker.
by joosy poosy May 4, 2003
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He who wanks off.
Joe is such a wanker. Looking at those pictures of Britany Spheres... Dirty Joe.
by Theo Gifford May 27, 2003
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A word that is frequently shouted at me from the windows on a small boxy looking car travelling at excessive speeds and booming out crap music with four ugly wiggers inside, because i have longer than normal hair
Retard in car listening to R&B: "Oy WANKEEEEEEEEEEEER" *makes suggestive hand motions*

Me: "Fuck you" *walks on without caring*
by ScattyMatt July 6, 2005
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