When your bangin your future wife on the side of your parents house. Your both butt naked. Her feet are up in the air like a field goal. Your buddy comes running around the corner and yells touchdown and then asks for his car keys.
Oh yeah Becky I am scoring more with you than the Bengals have all year.

Dude what are you doing? TOUCHDOWN oh and do you have my car keys.

That my friend is a Cincinnati Touchdown
by gildo21 March 24, 2009
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A single piece of poop that does not break off from your butthole until it touches the surface of the toilet water
"Man that Mexican food sure was good"
"I think I'm gonna have a tornado touchdown"
by jpros874 December 19, 2016
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The action of pouring Vadka into someone's butthole, setting it on fire, and proceeding to have sex with it.
I just gave my friend the best Russian Touchdown.
by Taint Lover October 26, 2015
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A) A holier than thou fan of football
B) Someone who believes that everyone should win in football and you should never be upset if your team loses.
C) Person who thinks his favorite team, coach, player are above any reproach because of the jersey he/she wears.
I was talking smack with a rival team when some Touchdown Jesus said, "Hey don't be rude. They just lost a big game"

I posted online that I think they should cut/fire this guy after he cost us the game. The message board resident Touchdown Jesus disagrees and thinks the guy just had a bad day.
by MLB Knights September 13, 2010
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Taking the first shit after the toilet has been cleaned at work or at home and the water in the bowl is still blue because it hasn't been flushed for the first time.
John: Fuck yeah, must've been the first one in the men's bathroom this morning and I scored a blue water touchdown!
Travis: No way dude! We're there any others left?
John: No clue but someone else was leaving a smelly deuce when I was leaving.

Travis: Nevermind, that's not worth it.
by John E. Law January 7, 2019
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the phrase used to describe jeffs ability to score many touchdowns. it is rumored that defenders are scared to tackle him or just cant get their arms around his large glutes. they may also be mesmorized by the jiggling of his hamstrings.
guy 1-and another td for touchdown jeff!
guy 2- no man that was fatassler.
by fatassler34 February 7, 2010
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The touchdown(s) in which the New England Patriots already have the game won but proceed to score more touchdowns in order to inform the NFL "fuck you we are the best team ever"
Guy 1: "Hey did you see Tom Brady's Fuck you Touchdown to Wes Welker?"

Guy 2: "Yeah It was at the end of the first half to make it Patriots 49 Jets 0"
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