A golden toothbrush is the result of dipping a roommate, sister, brother, or friend's toothbrush in the toilet after you have urinated in the bowl.
I was so angry at my roomate that I urinated in the toilet and then dipped his toothbrush in the toliet water. I gave him a real golden toothbrush and could not help laughing when he brushed his teeth the next morning.
by Ron the avenger October 8, 2011
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Glittery toothbrush is a game mainly used for gay guys.
The rules are:
one guy puts glitter on his penis and the other one tries to suck it all off in a certain time.
Up to four people can play this game
Jeffrey: hey jorge you wanna come over for a game of glittery toothbrush?
Jorge: sure man,i'll get the dicks you get the glitter!
Jeffrey: ok see you later. ;)
by Mrs.Duck August 16, 2006
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When you bring a date to your place and she scans your bathroom for evidence of another girl living with you.
Usually the search begins by looking for a second toothbrush.
"Hey Girl, will you stop digging through my medicine cabinet?! I told you I'm single. There's no need to do a toothbrush scan"
by csguy December 12, 2009
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When you and your families/roomates/girlfriends tooth brush are all in the same cup for holding when not in use and the bristles of your brush are touching the bristles of there brush and therefore the toothbrushes are kissing.

Generally a bad thing because the persons plaque is now shared with your plaque. IT is not a bad thing however when it is with a hot girl.
I got so disguisted when I saw that my toothbrush had done a toothbrush kiss with my fat roomie Kevin's toothbrush.
by danibee June 4, 2006
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When a male or female performs fellatio on two penises, he or she makes the first penis come on the other, as one would put toothpaste on a toothbrush. He or she then proceeds to "brush" her teeth with the second penis, rubbing it on her teeth and in her mouth, making sure the ejaculate is spread evenly.
I forgot my toothbrush when I slept at Marco's last night but it's okay; I gave him and his gay brother a toothbrush job.

After that Italian meal, my breath smelled of garlic. Lucky for me, Luigi and the waiter let me brush my teeth.
by PressureSoreLover December 18, 2010
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Verb - Chewing a piece of gum instead of actually brushing your teeth to mask bad breath or halitosis, due to laziness or lack of time.
Dude, I had to give myself a mexican toothbrush cause I didn't have enough time before taking Mindy to the movies, I hope she don't want to get all up in my grille tonight.
by Dixiespimp August 2, 2006
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a romantic relationship that has reached the point where each person leaves a toothbrush at the other's residence.
guy 1: "hey bro, how are you and Sally doing?"
guy 2: "it's toothbrush official"
guy 1: "nice"
by wopperjogged April 8, 2011
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