1) He likes to change his outfit on seasons/holidays!

2) His partnership with John Cena creates Chiefanomics!

3) He's like, all, "AAAAAAAIIIIIEEEEEE!!!"

4) Chief Life! This is basic Chiefanomics!

5) He likes squirrel intestines!

6) And he does the Chief Dance!
Chief! You so sexyyyy!
by Snebulizer/Nih +grr June 10, 2004
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To draw on someones face when they are passed out after drinking
by John November 24, 2003
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Used towards someone who you don't respect or don't know. "Hey, what's up, chief?", or "Thanks, chief."
I paid the bouncer at the door and he said "Thanks, chief.", to which I replied to "don't chief me, cubby."
by JaniH May 17, 2005
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a idiot, a fool, or a stupid person. you would say this to some one u dont like.
by Anonymous July 27, 2003
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The act of smoking marijuana. Used mainly by highschool and college smokers.
"Hey, John. Wanna chief?"

"What'd you do last night?" "Oh me and my boy just chiefed and passed out"
by TreWhore February 9, 2005
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"Greeting used by
the Thrice Illustrious while passing amidst mortals."
by Mdbbl February 10, 2005
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the actual "smoking" or "hitting" of a blunt/joint/bowl, often with the negative connotation of hogging it
"Quit chiefin on the blunt you fuckin asshole, we're all tryin to get high"
by Illnastybob May 12, 2007
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