When one inserts penis in jar of cheese wiz, then inserts the jar into vagina. Once in place pulls cheese wiz covered dick out and inserts in to asshole!
I spent the hole night doing the Mac and Cheese Fun dip.
by TheoneandonlyDFW2T December 6, 2022
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Its the best thing on the planet. Creamy cheese sauce and macaroni noodles is heaven. Get your bowl ready.
I obviously had to order the mac & cheese at the restaurant.
by RealWisdomHere December 9, 2019
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A term used to describe a man giving oral to a woman. Coined Mac & Cheese because of the similar sounds made from when you stir mac & cheese and when you lick a wet pussy.
How far did you get with her? Did you guys mac or Mac & Cheese!?
by totom January 27, 2011
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Having comfort sex with an ex or friend.
Ex's Neighbor: Hi Matt, I see you where at Emily's last night?

Matt: Yes, I needed some Mac & Cheese.
by Gatherer71 January 9, 2012
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Mac & Cheese is considered to be a fine delicious session of Oral sex. To where the male giving the oral will smack his mouth cause he is getting a mouthful of her juices. Just like smacking on some Mac & Cheese.
by Towmater123456789 April 11, 2020
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