The classic sex move where one does the following:

1. Shave off all your pubes and put them in a little bag.
2. Get a blow-job from someone.
3. When you are about to come get the pubes in your hand.
4. Shoot your load on the persons face and toss the pubes in the semen on thier face.
5. The person has been "tarred and feathered" like British tax-collectors in colonial times.
Man 1: That chick is a total drama queen.

Man 2: Yeah, someone should give her a Tax Collector.

angry dragon hot karl
by Dick Cobra April 15, 2010
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Bloody awesome Australian rock band (1981-1998) best known for the songs "Throw Your Arms Around Me" and "Holy Grail". Legends.
Hunters and Collectors are the finest band to ever have originated in Australia and quite possibly the best band in the world.
by Stuart October 13, 2003
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A person that has played an outrageous amount of games from the nearest videogame rental store and has amounted an exceptionally high gamerscore.
Brandon is such an achievement collector, he's played over 79 games and his gamerscore is close to 35,460
by TidusJames January 16, 2009
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a person who surrounds herself with attractive male companions, yet claims that they are all only friends as per The Eagle's song 'Hotel California'

Her mind is Tiffany twisted
She's got the Mercedes bends
She's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys
That she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard
Sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember
Some dance to forget
girl 1: who's becky seeing right now?
girl 2: i don't know... she's with a new guy every week, she's such a boy collector.
by angelinger September 26, 2005
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A person, who on Facebook, just makes "add friend" requests and will have over 150 "friends", but never posts updates on their page nor makes comments on other pages. They are essentially a boring ghost who bothers people with friend requests.
Marc: "Did you get a request from Julie to be a friend?"

Jenn: "I did, but I rejected her because she is just a friend collector."
by CordeliaJaxxon April 18, 2009
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a collector of fine gays, unlike a hag who is indiscriminate
she's quite the queer collector. it's not easy to get into her circle of gays.
by callitlikeiseeitgurl November 17, 2013
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