The mono you get from pigs.
Dude, Madelyn got swine mono from Chris.
by mallllllllarondo April 28, 2009
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Spicy pork that causes one's bowels to growl like a junkyard dog.
That dynamite swine Mark had at the Brunswick Pork House made him "drop the kids off at the pool" immediately after consuming it.
by Gary Ray February 4, 2009
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It is the irresistible attraction to rather large greasy women. Usually they consist of multiple chins, kankles, cellulite, and just overall fat.
Andy-Dude why don't we ever hang out with Chris

Jon-Didn't you hear? He's got that Swine Fever.
by jonward April 28, 2009
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A person who does not understand a reference to something popular, or the like
Person 1: What's a rare pepe?
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Swine Fraud (n.)- someone who chooses to fake flu illnesses so that they can remain at home to avoid work or classes.
Person 1: I feel awful. I heard Maria might have the swine so the boss made her stay home.
Person 2: No, she just didn't want to come in this week.
Person 1: She's such a swine fraud.
by theSwineFraud October 26, 2009
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A disease characterized by a high fever, a cough, and a strong desire to fuck in the mud.
Come over here baby, I've got the swine flu.
by Farmer Dude May 6, 2009
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