1. To get changed from one's present attire into a suit
"Are we going to that party?"
"Of course we are Ted, so suit up!"
by KenF March 7, 2006
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Politicians, lawmakers, judges, all sorts of authority. Fuck them, and fuck the law.
The problem doesn't rely on the boys in blue, it relies on the shits in suits. They give the orders, the others just follow them. It's chain of command. Those boys in blue bastards need to show results at the end of the month while the shits in suits wander around the world, preaching their own way of life.
by lovepostpunk October 3, 2013
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A day in which a suit must be worn. It generally starts out as a means to curb the pain from the night before. The party members are to take on fake identities and discuss business. Topics of conversation may range from buying premium real estate, companies we own or fabulous vacations.
Jamal: Hey did you check the day?
Erin: Suit Saturday again..
Jamal: Damn right time to suit up bitches!
by TheBlueLantern January 23, 2013
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1. A type of military uniform worn by fighter pilots during missions.

2. A suit worn by politicans when they screw up and want to cover it up by four flushing posturing.
George W. Bush wore a flight suit right before landing on a carrier deck to deliver that little mission accomplished speech.
by jesster79 January 24, 2006
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Popular colthing worn in the Swing era of the 20's - 40's where Jazz was the dominant style of music. Typically worn by jazz cats.

Jacket characterized by broad shoulders, large lapels, and longer than a normal suit jacket.

Pants characterized by high waist, baggy thighs, and close cuffs.
by Agamemnon August 4, 2004
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having no clothes or covering garments upon ones body; nude
I got really drunk and ran around in my birthday suit!
by D. Willy April 25, 2003
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The human body, especially one's flesh, suggesting the burdens of corporeality for an otherwise ethereal being.
"Why did I have to be reincarnated into this meat suit?"
by Mary Churchill May 1, 2007
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