Wal Mart,a retail store known for hoards of screaming kids.
You better get your earplugs, I have to go Squall Mart, I mean Wal Mart today for some shirts.
by RTBSTRD November 4, 2013
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Somebody:Dude, Your Being Such A Fag.
Somebody #2:You Must Mean I'm Acting Like A Squall.
by jjonc2002 March 14, 2005
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Secret hack activated by one using the name "Squall" in any FPS game.(usually counter-strike)It is RANDOM.
Symptoms include large spurts of headshots and other stuff.
Weird CS-ADMIN: haha Squall ur a nub
Weird CS-ADMIN:....wtf!
Squall: haha Squall hack!
by Squall February 23, 2004
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The mating call sent out by young African-Americans to draw attention to themselves, show their territory, and to attract a mate via the loud music played in their cars.
One of the worst parts about summer in the hood is the constant monkey squalls.
by L Richmond June 10, 2009
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The fucking angsty, emo ass motherfucking main character of Final Fantasy VIII who weilds a gunblade. He's is best noted down for turning down hot chicks. Should of had a threesome with Quistis and Rinoa.

squall leonheart is also the source of admiration from fat, ugly bitches.
Wow! That Squall Leonheart sure could of fucked the hell of Rinoa anytime he wanted!
by PV2 Solis May 29, 2006
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it is the sound a chic makes when she sees your unit with the accessories and knows that she better beg for mercy and that this is going to be a night to remember.(with the appropriate soreness)
oh please be gentle. dont make me ball squall.
by greg smith February 20, 2007
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To have a cigarette,
Squalls? , ............ Im gonna have a squall, you wanna squall?
by Duss February 9, 2010
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