A GloBoy that xxas xxella fans and xxeople xxitexx xxis xxwagxx
by SlurSantana July 2, 2021
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The J-slur, also known as ''Jorik'' is a derogatory way to refer to a guy with blonde/brown hair who likes to lick door handles.

Calling someone a ''Jorik'' can be very painful for some people so be careful
Jimmie: lmao wtf, he licks doorhandles
Joost: lmao let's call him the J-slur
by LijmPistool June 16, 2022
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Slurring through text messages by using the same letters multiple times.
"I can't waaaaaaiiittt to partyyy!" - Person 1
"Nice use of a text slur!" - Person 2
by Herban Dicktionary June 7, 2017
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the f slur is an old derogatory word used against men who were not masculine or were attracted to other men.
if youre not mlm, nblm or transfem its not your slur to reclaim
i dont really have an example of the f slur but you get the gist
by murrit September 13, 2020
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Disoreintation, such as dizziness or drunk, while standing up to fast off the steps.
"Man I stood up off those steps to fast, I have slurred vision."
by Hornitos July 4, 2009
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Used to describe the nasally way trashy women linger on words when they speak.
Ke$ha: "Wayke ayp in theh moyrning feeling layke P Diddy..."

Male: "Damn, that bitch's slut slur is making my ears bleed."
by The Enunciator March 4, 2011
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the r slur is used against people with intellectual disabilities. the word is r*tard(ed). never say the slur, it’s wrong and ableist. it’s also not medically correct, seeing as it was changed in 2010 by obama
asswipe: that dude is so r*tarded
decent person: that’s so fucking screwed up man, it’s ableist. you can’t say the r slur
asswipe: sure it is, liberal snowflake. it’s medically correct
by thatvenusbabe May 6, 2021
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