When your riding your mans dick, grab his shirt, lean back and ride him like sleigh.
Babe I’m going to ride you sleigh-ballin style tonight, ho ho ho jingle sleigh-ballin’ mother fucker
by Bass Jackson January 14, 2022
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The act of one or more bouncer(s) riding a person being asked to leave down the stairs towards the exit of a bar or establishment you are being removed as if you are a sleigh (sled, surfboard, snowboard... you get the idea)
If that drunk dude keeps messing up he is going for a Fredericksburg Sleigh Ride.
by King66 May 31, 2020
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When you’re out on a family snow-cation with your cousins, and slide it in behind the fishing shack.
Sharice and I went out to our Igloo for an ol’ Alabama sleigh ride”
by Biggg C February 27, 2023
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Putting a piece of toilet paper in the toilet so the poo can land on it and sleigh down to the water part.
- I'm going to the toilet, Richard.
- Be careful, it is late, do the shit sleigh so you don't wake up your parents.
by kubik23_23 February 15, 2018
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Lyric variation for the popular Christmas song, jingle bells.

Often used in streaming single challenges
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse slope and sleigh, hey!
by autumnglynn December 22, 2022
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- Hey Jimmy what’s that white line on the table?

-Oh, it’s Santa’s sleigh dust.
by Hi007 February 23, 2020
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Kringle my sleigh, sometimes abreviated as kms, is general used by females who want to get their pussy plowed and filled around the Christmas season.
I've been so horny around the mall Santa, all i want is for him to Kringle my sleigh and jingle my bells.
by DanTheDuctTapeBall December 3, 2022
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