a quick and witty come back to some who states the obvious
woman behind a burger van: do you want a cheese burger? its the same as a normal burger but with cheese on

guy picking his food: no shit
by metalrob1 November 28, 2009
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A new-wave phrase used to say something is utterly shitty. Was first defined by Mother Russia's beloved sun.

Usually is used in the company of English speaking friends, who then start to make fun of you.
- Hey, how is the weather outside?
- Oh, it's such a shit!
by bakenbard August 24, 2014
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Shit is a very old word, with an Old English root. *Scítan is the Old English word. It has cognates in most of the other Germanic languages and shares a common Germanic root with modern equivalents like the German scheissen.

*Scítan, however, doesn\'t appear in extant Old English texts and is only assumed to have existed in Old English. The verb to shit dates the Middle English period (c. 1308), and the noun form is from the 16th century. The interjection is of quite recent vintage, not found until the 1920s.

In 2002, an alleged acronymic origin for shit appeared on the Internet. According to this tale, the word is from an acronym for Ship High In Transit, referring to barges carrying manure. This is a complete fabrication and absurd on its face. All it takes to disprove it is to look up the word in any decent dictionary. Remember, anytime someone posits an acronymic word origin, chances are that it is utterly false.

--as explained on www.wordorigins.org
by mekoshs2 September 28, 2003
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A suffix added to adjectives to intensify their meanings.
It is hot as shit in here.

That bitch is dumb as shit.

This Easy-Mac is tasty as shit.
by nrockshard August 16, 2009
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Shitting - Not being serious, Joking, fooling, pissing around.
# I just ate a bug.
* Ur shitting me!
by Never mind the bollocks October 16, 2006
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Something you say at the end of your sentence for a varity of reasons. Being too lazy to finish your sentence and not having an actual verb in your sentence are common causes to throw in "and shit."
Also used to make things that aren't really as interesting as you had thought in your head seem cooler.
"yo bobby's over we're playin video games and shit"

"yeah then we played. . .and shit. ."

"yoo! guess what! i just saw this girl! and she was hot and shitt"
by billyyyy November 21, 2007
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Chicago slang, means to be in agreement with something
Are you with the shits tonight?
Yea dude
by Yungguns March 10, 2015
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