(Ballzits) Acne growing on or around your ballsack
I think we should rename Scrotal Acne to Ballzits making it more appropriate for the dinner table.
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Another name for your crotch/genitalia
"Curse that goddam midget headbutting me in my scrotal zone!"
by Peckerama April 7, 2008
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The seam that holds your scrotum together...duh
i will bite your scrotal seam open
by Sackattackfromtheback September 16, 2010
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A guy who tries to act extra sensitive, sweet, or cheesy around his girlfriend while his friends are present... almost as if he is tucking his scrotum between his legs.
Drew: Dude, what the hell is up with Eric?
Chris: Didn't you notice... his head is up his girl's butt
Drew: What a freakin scrotal tuck!!!
by JC Collett December 11, 2007
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1 A sack of scrodes, specifically of the scrotal variety.

2 A douche, prick, or douchebag prick with qualities of a fuck munch or a cockbite.

3 A stage prop, or tool commonly used to perform the goat or tea bag etc...
1 Can you believe that guy? Man, he really has a bag of scrodes to pull that shit off.

2 That scrotal sack keeps going to the boss and crying on her cooch. What a fuck munch.


3-2 If your interested in a warm compress for your eyes, I can take a hot bath and tea bag you right across the bridge of the nose. The scrodes will sit in the eye sockets and cause a nice therapeutic reponse for wrinkles.
by dtk trips 7 June 7, 2009
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Your Ballsack or Nutsack.
Guy 1: I just got that operation to remove my scrotal sack.
Guy 2: Damn, that sucks.
by Nordic Slav November 23, 2019
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