Isolated in the middle of nowhere getting here is impossible if you do not own a car. It is literally an island in the middle of nowhere. Essentially no public transportation exists here. To add to this, do well in high school because you will sincerely regret coming here. Although, there are some good people, they are rare to find. The girls here are mostly unattractive or extremely slutty. Do not live in Dogwood Village, it is a hell hole because of the construction with literally paper sheets separating you from your neighbor. You can hear entire conversations through the wall. Even though, people are aware of this, they still scream, wake people up at three in the morning or play stereo music full blast until that time during final exams. The funny part is that they don't expect you to complain. Coming here taught me that you need to be extremely self-reliant and independent if you are going to survive. Do not trust anyone except for yourself because they will literally take advantage of your kindness and eat you alive here. Expect many people to be cyber addicts and care more about their electronics than the person next to them. If you want to survive here do not attempt at getting a girlfriend because they are mostly slutty, revengeful, and ignorant. Ignore the occasional bullies and death threats because you're already in jail, so it doesn't make a difference.
Salisbury University, sounds like a scary place, stay away from those Salisbury girls, I heard many of them are evil and fake as shit! Salisbury University, where intellectuals come to die. Salisbury University, dragging the country down one overdose at a time. Salisbury University, a twirling Hell Storm where the food is very disgusting.
by thetruthislouderthanfakenews1 December 7, 2018
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The apartment complex located in Salisbury, Md created for housing the students that attend Salisbury University. While rather decent, it can hold about 60 students on any given night. "Guard dog" routinely visits to have a beer and say keep the noise down. Safer than the zoo yet its better just to pre-game at UV
Freshman: Dude, we gotta go chill at uv tonight, your place again?!

Junior: University Village Salisbury?! Sure im down to pre-game.

Freshman: I invited 50 people.

Junior: Wait what?! Just pre-game!
by blacklight212 March 21, 2011
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a school in sherwood park that is full of stoners and hard drugs
hey do you go to salisbury composite high school i hear there real stoners
by bahahah7777 June 8, 2011
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Someone who cant keep their trap shut. And always will get on your nerves.
by TS5904 May 25, 2019
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Yo, I was playing around in bed with my homie the other night, no homo, when he pulled out his salisbury dick. Like damn that thing meaty.
by realdude4568789 October 11, 2020
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A Salisbury Shepard is category of people that like to smear shit on women. (Not always male)
That Salisbury Shepard smeared shit on my mom! Let’s beat his ass!
by Arrestz September 3, 2021
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Mia Salisbury is a loving caring person there very bubbly and caring they tend to have self conscious. But there very silly amazing and annoying. They tend to have green eyes. And brown hair. They tend to have anger issues and get mad easily if you’d see one say hi
Someone: did you see her she’s such a mia Salisbury
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