Noun. Once commonly used to refer to a band based from Calexico, California. Consisting of a mediocre singer, two Jewish guitarists, and a drummer (the normal one). The word was lost for several years when it inexplicably rose again on shirts. Since it was believed that the actual meaning of the word was lost, it was used to explain the state of being where one is completely embarrassed, but oblivious to the fact.
So me and her were at Elizabeth's party right? Well, me and her got bored, so we decided to go back to my place...and well she ended up giving me head completely naked on my drive way. I ended up cumming in her mouth, but that's not the great part, we went back to the party and we saw that one guy who likes her. So she walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. And I thought to myself "Mocos! He got bleu ruined!"
by approve this please February 6, 2008
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To get pwd, or owned. A slang to lose, really badly
Germany got their shit ruined by Brazil, in the 2002, world cup.
by Shaft-o February 8, 2003
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A ruin king is like a high king. But when is said as "Ruin king" it is sarcasm. For example "Amy a ruin king" can be said when being sarcastic about somebody's skills. Like oh look at Amy art! "Amy the art ruin king."
by Ruin king September 18, 2020
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The act of souring the moment with a potential sexual partner by opening your mouth or just existing in general. Leading statisticians suggestion this may be incurable.
If you’re on a date and wondering if your ruining the mood? Ask yourself, are you there? There’s your answer bro.
by Life according to Beau April 26, 2021
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The long forgotten and out-of-date profiles of the masses who left MySpace for the stable and promising Facebook.

MySpace Ruins often include less than flattering pictures from high school, a list of "top" friends who you don't even talk to anymore, music playing that you don't listen to anymore, and glitter-filled backgrounds.
Becky wanted to recall the memories of her emo phase, so she logged on to see her MySpace Ruins.
by TC150 June 17, 2010
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1. To extremely ruin ones asshole to the point of no saving.2. To fist ones ass so hard that their guts shoot out of their mouth creating a whirlwind of guts.3. To eat a spicy food then sit on the golden throne for hours screaming and crying for several hours
Dude did you hear about that rectum ruin I gave Katy last weekend.... Yeah dude she will be ruined forever
by The Ten Inch Turd January 28, 2018
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