The act of a person falling out of their character and/or breaking the rules that apply to their characters and/or the environment their character roleplays in.
Billy decides to pull his Shank and decides to stab everyone for no reason at all.
Billy: rekt noobs
Victims: Fail Roleplay! Why you randomly killing us?

Billy participates in a roleplaying environment where there are no special super powers allowed. Johnny pulls a gun, and instead of Billy showing gun-fear to the gun of Johnny, he fail roleplays.
Billy: *grabs the gun all of the sudden and kills Johnny out of the sudden
Johnny: Fail Roleplay! You're supposed to show gun fear!

Billy just got killed in that same environment and instead of forgetting all his memories... Billy decides to fail roleplay. Yeah, again.
Billy: *runs back to where he did with his weapon and shoots everyone*
by darkline1 September 3, 2017
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A game on BYOND where you WILL get banned first. No questions asked, no warnings... the thick headed admins there shoot first and ask questions later.

It consists of tryhards, virgins, asshats and G.I.R.L.s. The owner is a complete tool. The server is a complete waste of time, unless you have no job, or life.
Logs into Eternia: Roleplay> Sup fellas?............... Wtf do you mean connection failed?! Banned?! ..fucking..
by JuiceDaJuiceMan January 18, 2015
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Roleplay Hub is a Minecraft server which currently owns the Server of SchoolRP, The server is staffed by predators who take advantage of children and their bodies, money and much more. The most famous Pedo on the staff team is Yonio in which famously got his dms leaked by a victim of his. Oh another thing, no child safety policy and bans people for knowing to much such as a minor who found out stuff and got banned for doxing someone despite the doxxing being public info
Person 1: Lets play Roleplay-Hub
Person 1: oh right they made 28.9k by exploiting mainly children lol!
by Echo the furry January 5, 2023
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A place for RPing whores. Some males even take on the role of a female and vice versa. Most edit anime pictures that are ecchi and whore-like. These kids are around the ages of 11-15 and 37-59 to recent studies.
For Myspace Roleplay, say you hypothetically have a friend named Kevin, he shall rp as a girl, say....Sakura. He/she shall edit pictures of his RP character, Sakura, being a whore.
by IkutoFTW!! March 25, 2008
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the best fnaf roleplay ever created
go play freddys mega roleplay by averageant
by thedumbclub October 22, 2021
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