An overpriced weekend boondoggle at a fancy hotel or spa resort under the guise of promoting mental, physical and spiritual health. All the while, guests stay in very posh rooms and are catered to at all stages. Guests ranges from unfortunate 500 CEO's to yoga mat guy to crypto saleswoman. All will brag to their friends how great a life changing experience it was but they inevitably return to their status quo.
Parker: I feel so great after my wellness retreat at Terranea this weekend. Massages, inspirational sorta TED Talks, farm to table organic whole grain paleo single sourced low glycemic gluten free planet friendly meals…it was amazing. I feel like a new man.

Logan: That's not a wellness retreat. That’s a poshness retreat. And you’ll be right back to pimping big pharma as soon as your Tesla is charged.

Parker: Ya, I guess you’re right. Wish they had just given me the $10,000 in stock options. See you later, gotta go get an office to prescribe more of that new late night advertised wonder drug that is marginally better than the old one but at ten times the price.
by The Original Tankboy October 6, 2023
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To take a break from the fast pace of modern life by listening to some chill-out and relaxing music.
"The first thing I do when I get in after a bitch of a day, is take an audio retreat."

While wearing headphones at your desk with your feet up and your hands behind your head try placing this sign on your desk:
"Please come back at a later time. I'm on an audio retreat."
by QualityJ August 21, 2009
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When a bitch is taking a literal shit and you ram your cock up her ass.
by Turtle tickler October 8, 2016
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I was running to the park without shoes a phone or a map - Juan
Damn nigga u went Balls Deep No Retreat - Osama
by xypeepeepoopoo September 6, 2023
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Its when you take a massive poop and you press hard, but then stop pressing and the poop goes back up
Man i just took the biggest shit, but i got an anal retreat
by Philip mongolidi February 19, 2021
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To run away due to being over powered.
“HEY! Let’s Tactical Retreat this COD lobby. It smells like a negative KD!” - Ben
by CODRAGERSANONYMOUS October 27, 2022
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Ejaculating inside a woman and proceeding to lick it out and getting your friend to ejaculate inside of said woman again
Bro I'm boutta cum let's give her a French Retreat!

Yea man! Give me a second I need to lick my cum up first!
by Slorp_My_Schlorp April 18, 2023
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