when your poop goes down out of your ass like a soda machine.
"Bro, I just took giant Poopsi Cola"
by seagull drews June 5, 2020
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flirtatious woman ,who hangs around bars a lot ,looking for a man. often has unattractive features but is thick skinned and brash
dont get friendly with Snaggle-tooth Mary,she is a real bar poopsie
by junnyald December 23, 2010
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This is a real man! Better than mason biagini! He was a virgin once... But not anymore! He smells like old soggy cigarettes. But he's so lovable you won't even notice. He farts every now and then. His titties are ticklish. His weiners bigger than mason biagini s too! His favorite activity is making out with ugly old woman he finds on the streets. He was on may 1 2003. He has anal lice.
Don't be such a Connor Bailey poopsie Mr poops a lot!
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A sexual position where your partner deficates on a window or glass surface, proceeds to smear it, and than the women is pressed up against the shit smeared surface and anally ravaged.
“My mom walked in my room and questioned me about what me and my girlfriend were doing! She saw the aftermath of our shmoopsie poopsie!”
by Sir Jonathan Dingdong II August 3, 2018
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