some one who takes advantage of you when you are at your lowest or is just a total dik
dude: hey u all right?
chik: NO!!!! i caught him wif her last night

dude: man what a nob
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Dude, that car is so nob hoss
He is one hoss bro
let's go do somethin nob hoss
by Hurricane X May 13, 2012
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An irritating idiot with no redeeming features
Jack ? He's a complete nob-head
What kind of nob-head would do a stupid thing like that ?
What you lookin' at nob-head ?
Have you always been such a nob-head ?
by Marshallasthefish November 14, 2007
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An individual who performs fellatio as much as they breathe. British English equivalent term for Cock Snorkeling.
Kelsie can’t keep Brad’s dick out of her mouth she’s nob snorkelling.
by TheHardOne69 August 10, 2021
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nob = noobie + fob.

it's word of contempt for dumbasses who are not as bad as douchebags but is indeed significantly dumb, combined with farmer-like behaviours that show that they are from a lower-class country.
hey. that guy is such a nob.
by indiandream November 29, 2006
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Krob nob is a rare disease where ones dick has a special kind of green crust growing off it the only person it has infected so far is Kyle kimber but James is showing signs of the disease so be careful. The only known cure is to let Troy Johnson suck the end of your nob until it falls off.
Troy will save us all from krob nob
by Krob nob January 22, 2020
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Used as an insult, to describe somebody as a droplet of sperm, although not always meant literally.
Billy: hey isn't your brother in law coming down later?

Liam: yeah, hes a little nob droplet though, you won't like him.

Billy: (laughs)
by CurlyBobb November 8, 2009
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