When a girl has a really loose vagina and you stick your hand inside along with your dick and jerk off inside.
My wife had a baby the other day, she let me perform the loosey goosey fix on that dialation. And that's the loosey goosey solution
by The elliottwells muhfugga April 18, 2012
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the act of going down a bobsled track butt naked
dude, i was at a ski resort this weekend, and my girlfriend wanted me to jamaican loosey goose with her!
by moore b-cut February 22, 2011
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when you on acid or 'Lucy' and everyone looks like birds, more specifically like gooses
Those tabs made shit loosey goosey - crazy bruh.
by dameshishi December 9, 2015
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After lunch at Taco Bell I had a bad case of the loosey pooseys.
by HardyPartyMom April 26, 2022
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A loosey goosey is when a female is is unnaturally loose, and isn’t aware of the situation, therefor asking to be fingered by a fellow peer. A mattanator.
Matt- “man I fingered this girl last night dam she was a loosey goosey
S- “did she cum on your finger”
by Lick my delicious balls August 2, 2022
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A girl with a hole that is so big two ginormous cocks can fit in.
Mike: “Hey I’m trying to hookup with Ashley, do you know her.”
Kyle: “Man It’s better to have another guy if you want to hookup with her, she’s a loosey goosey.”
by Bigballz4dayz January 5, 2023
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