if your bitch moans and looks you in the eye its fake
by Anonymous May 10, 2003
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Saying you like something, just to be cool, even thought you have no idea what your talking about.
Robert: Dude i'm going to Ultra music festival for spring break i'm so pumped!!
Andrew: Dude I wish i could go.
Fake guy: lololololol Dude i love the dubsteps and the Ultras festival.
Andrew: stfu
by thatsfake March 22, 2011
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acting like something that ur not

acting a differnt infront of people
billy: l hate yu

audenice: ohhh


next day

billy calls johnny the next day: hey yu wanna hang out

johnny:wow ur fake
by bbbbjjffhh March 17, 2008
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A girl who tends to date younger men...i mean boys..
a cougar but not hot...definatly not hot
random 1: why do u have a car seat in your car?
random 2: its for my boyfriend
Random 1: oh...your such a fake
by Hlobo Sasnal June 7, 2010
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its a very known egypt word .......that means ( fuck it ) or ( wat ever) and it is used pretty much there .....that it started being a pain in the ass word
a: are u going to the lecture?
b: fakes
by vodca333 December 13, 2009
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A punk ass person who does not do what he says he is going to do
That fake punk did'nt show up yester day so i jumped him
by Joker March 11, 2003
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