Small device which can hold (depending on the model) up to 10,000 songs. Most likely owned by 50% of high school students. It is the most popular mp3 player. In fact, if you're looking up the meaning to the word "ipod" in this dictionary, you probably live on an un-inhabited island. That, or you yourself just too poor to buy one, and are making yourself feel better by reading hate definitions, posted by OTHER poor/cheap people.
Bob: Is that an ipod?
Bob: That's completely mainstream, man. I can't believe you even wanna be SEEN with that piece of shit.
Joe:Can't afford one?
by Deana June 2, 2005
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ipod meaning i-pee-o.d
Karen: "Hey spell ipod"
Justin: "i pee o.d?"
Karen: "Lol damn!"
by ayoitzmiiduh January 31, 2010
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It is a mp3 device made by apple that has a sleek design and has a high cost. the ipod can be a negavitve thing but if you take care of it then it will last just like mine 5 years and it is still running well and nothing really will happen and then it can be a good thing

How to take care of it
1. wait till the battery completely drains out then charge it so the battery life will last longer

2. if you dont want it to scratch then buy a cheep or expensive plastic sticker to cover the screen or you can buy a fair price of $10-25 rubber cover

3. If itunes asks you if you want a new update you take it so it itunes wont crash and also if you need to update your ipod then do it so it is compatible to your itunes

4. the obvious one dont drop it crush it or squish it

if you follow these steps then it will last just like mine
john: hey i got an ipod
jane: cool hey you know how to take care of it right?
john: i think
by JAnieSayHuh February 25, 2009
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MP3 players that break every 3 months that make you look cool. Who cares if you smell bad? You have the latest ipod.
"OMG my ipod broke again! Time to dish out 400 more dollars to fix it!"
by hxc baby October 2, 2006
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Something that hypocritical pricks on Urban Dictionary decide to criticize and say that they'll won't buy it to remain "non-conforming", yet buy it anyways in secret.
UD Poster - I bought a iPod, because I'm a slave to the Apple Corporation. Also I have a fetish for anything thats covered in a albino-white casing that demasculizes my otherwise tough-looking street clothes.
by C Tan February 27, 2006
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"Idiots Price Our Devices"
from the creators of iPod
Man they would so totally buy our iPods
since theyre idiots who'd do anything to price our devices to keep up with trends :P
by Rabiya January 31, 2008
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yet another word thats hated by the people of urban dictionary because everyone here hates it due to the fact that their either poor white trash that cant afford one, an outcast at school with no friends so they seek attention on the internet, or a 50 year old. So what if its more expensive then the other mp3 players, its the most popular and the fact that its better is a relative term
an ipod does not shrink your penis size

what makes you think a middle aged man will have a bigger penis than a 15 year old just because he doesnt have an ipod

if you cant afford an ipod, its not our problem, quit bitching

if you have something other than an ipod, it wont make you uncool and a loser, if you are normal and not an antisocial freak, you should have friends
by bob mckob May 21, 2008
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