Someone who is bad at what they do, someone who really doesn't know what they're talking about, but they do it in a way that seems outwardly proffessional.

Adjective form: proffessionally-incompetent
It Doug has so much professional-incompetence, he posts his own drivers-ed tutorials online, but he doesn't even know how to drive.

Sarah is professionally-incompetent, because she really does look like she knows what she is talking about, but the pros mock her, because to an outsider she looks like she can talk the talk AND walk the walk, but her catwalk is not a real catwalk; she would hurt herself on a real catwalk.
by IAmPseudonyMeRoar!!! December 9, 2018
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Zoomerese for corporate authority figure who just doesn't get it.
"CEO of incompetence much I am just a second away from cancelling all of you" - Random Zoomer
by TheHeroKing April 22, 2023
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Referring to Tom Anderson, creator of MySpace, refusing to allow certain xhtml codes onto user profiles.
Don't be such an incompetent tom, money doesn't grow on trees.
by bangingcicadas September 12, 2008
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The shitty life hack, where someone asks you to do something and you do it so badly you are never asked to do it again.

"Creative incompetence"is defined by a paradoxical outlook that requires the incompetent person to use more energy and thought to do the task badly than to do it correctly in the first place.
Paris Hilton never liked being a DJ so, using a little creative incompetence, she designed set lists that included Norwegian mining songs and Hentai movie sound tracks. She now works incognito as a nail technician on Sunset Blvd.
by September 24, 2021
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to be an incompetent loaf means to have a serious lack of intelligence or smarts in any sense of the word whilst sitting limply and letting anyone slice, dice, or dip your lack of skills into their bowl of repeated insults...per their own pleasure and satisfaction
I'm am sick of my boss thinking I am an incompetent loaf who can do nothing but simplistic data entry!
by torosgirl February 19, 2009
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what is placed on a police officers ham a cheese sandwich? pickles... and gross incompetence
by TardigradeFucker69 June 18, 2022
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Knowing how to correctly accomplish an undesired task and producing a sub-satisfactory result as to never be asked to perform said task again.
The Guy: My boss wants me to work on this new machine. He's always coming to me for these things.
Coworker: sounds like you could use some controlled incompetence. Just give the appearance you're busy with it and mess it up. The boss will find someone else next time and then they can be "The Guy."
by Double Jay Dubs May 3, 2022
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