1. An idea that is created with the "mind", rather than other parts of the body (hands, sexual organs, etc.).

2. A smart-response back to when someone asks you how you came up with something.
"How did Joey come up with that idea?"
"With his mind."
"Oh, so it was a Mind Idea then? Smartass."
by Distiya October 28, 2011
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When a high school teen, typically one of older age (junior/senior), claims to be brainstorming ideas for an upcoming project while he/she realisticly is going to skip class and go off doing something that they shouldn't be doing during school hours.
Teacher: Alright people new project start thinking of what you're going to do.

Student: (raises hand) Can I please go on an Idea Walk, I can expand my imagination by roaming the halls.
Translation: I can't wait to smoke that bong pack of headies!

Teacher: That seems fine I guess (mistake)
by lyoto the dragon October 14, 2009
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An idea that grew naturally from within a person or organization; not imposed from outside.
Developing a recycling program for used lunch containers was an organic idea within the company.
by BFHHH August 27, 2020
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A luxury version of "thats a good idea". A credit to someone's thought whether it be based on fact or bullshit.

Made popular during Rick Santelli's famous rant about home owner bailouts on live TV.

Santelli: "...give it to people who might have a chance to actually prosper down the road and reward people that can carry the water instead of drink the water?"

Random White Guy: "Thats a novel idea!..."
by The Nye Guy March 31, 2009
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(noun) A person who having any sort of intimate contact with is looked badly at by everyone on the planet ever. (And if anyone disagrees they're psychotic). Someone who no one should ever get with. Not neccesarily ugly or smelly, just all around not right - more based on social habits.
Don't get with Bob, you know he's ALWAYS a bad idea.
by tclcttb May 29, 2005
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"What's the big idea" is a phrase used whenever a person has a stupid, impossible, or pointless idea and someone needs to tell them off without being too rude.
Jason: "Dude, let's go smoke weed in public!"
Mike: "Oh, really? What's the big idea? Get arrested?"
Jason: "Uh, no...it's to have fun."
Mike: "In jail? Are you barred again?"
by jacrispy vulcano is my mom December 23, 2017
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