Said when one's lower member becomes erect.
Bro 1: "Damn! You see those chesticles?"
Bro 2: "I know man, there goes gravity!"
by Wood afficianado February 19, 2010
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A sex act where you work really hard for a very lon time but can't g t any satisfaction.
I tried fucking her doggy style but I ended up just sticking to a Joe Goes.
by katiebird134 June 29, 2017
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It could be an expression from modern French. The expression "comment ça va?" (literally "how it goes?"). This is an informal expression meaning "How are you?".
by NYSTEX May 1, 2010
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BEST GAME EVER. if you do not want to do something like cleaning or getting off your lazy ass for cake then you touch your nose and say "nose goes" and the last person to do that, must be non lazy.
hanch: "i want cake...::touches nose:: nose goes!!!
alana: ::touches nose:: "nose goes!!!"
emily: ::touches nose:: "nose goes!!!"
nikkii: "damn it!" ::walks into kitchen, gets big cake::
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an expression showing regret used in two different occasions: Either when simple plans do not work out, or when the universe cosmically fucks you over. Vonnegut stole it from some french author, and popularized it in Slaughterhouse Five.
"did you meet up with those kids?"
"No, they went home."
"ah, so it goes"

"So you avoided hitting a deer while driving only to run into a tree?"
"So it goes."

by theinfamoushw January 3, 2009
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How goes it is a phrase recoined in suburban California, near Folsom. The true reviver of this phrase is not known, but we are sure to find him/her out soon.
by Annonymus to you August 30, 2005
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