When this chick blows you so well you want to cry- you see the light.
Fuck dude This chick just sucked my dick off I think I might die
"Ho. Dome-giver ah "?
by MarkyMark brah May 1, 2016
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Much worse than an indian giver. The type of red-headed person who gives a gift, then at a later date asks for payment for the gift. If the receiver of the gift refuses to pay, the Ginger Giver then requests that the gift be returned.
He gave me a bottle of wine and then asked me to pay him for it. When I refused, he asked for the bottle of wine back. He (BR) is such a Ginger Giver.
by Mattanium December 16, 2011
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To give something to someone and then take it back.

As in, giving some unwanted land to the Native Americans (or Indians), finding that the land contains gold, and then taking it back.

At least, that's what I was taught. None of the other definitions on here seem to follow this route, but surely my explanation makes the most sense?!
Jade: Here, you can have this cake, I don't like nuts.

Leah: Cheers. Hey, they're not nuts, they're chocolate chips. Mmmm...

Jade: Can I have it back? It was mine first.

Leah: Fucking Indian giver...
by Sopheeee June 5, 2005
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A person who gives someone something, then takes it back!
Ur such an indian giver!
by Anonymous April 3, 2003
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someone who gives you something and then takes it away
"if God gives life, then he's an indian giver"
by petari January 16, 2005
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Not a good mother expects way to much she is not your mother or even part of your family to you she is a person who expects things from you but doesn’t care about you
Birth giver -
Birth giver “Where’s my Mothers Day gift I’m your mother”
Kid “You don’t act like one”
by YesYouAreARat May 14, 2020
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