When you take a crap at a random toilet, and you hover over the sit so you don't touch it.

However you have to prevent the water splash from when you drop a turd. So you flush, and as the water goes you poop and the "log" then shots down the toilet with no splash..
poop in a toilet with no splash
and it looks like a log flume ride with no splash
"splashless log flume"
by MerchantMan27 December 30, 2010
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A sexual position involving making love to a girl in a car while the car is in neutral.
Dude, I totally did a swedish log flume with that girl last night!
by The NardDog July 15, 2009
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a low pitched noise of the throat, commonly creates a scene of chaos, uncomfortability, or ease.
Franky baby flumed so loud and hard that the room went silent... then erupted into full blown applause.
by sandycohen01 May 27, 2010
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When you piss down someone's chest and then send a shit flying down after: much like log flume.
Your mom was begging for that pocono log flume last night after I took her to Golden Corral.
by N.anno January 30, 2016
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A sexual fetish originated in the Pocono Mountains Pennsylvania where you take a piss down someone's chest and then send a shit flying down after. (Same fashion as log down a river i.e. Log Flume)

log flume
Dude after I took your mom to the Golden Corral she begged me for that Pocono Log Flume.
by N.anno February 11, 2016
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The flumes is basically just a big bonfire where people gather and hangout for the night
Yo let’s go to the flumes this weekend ?
by Lyluh2004 April 10, 2022
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