To drop ones pants and masturbate profusely as in making music. In certain atmospheres it is popular to masturbate to the music of the pornography therefore dropping a beat. A.K.A Jacking Off, Masturbating, Choking the Chicken, Spanking the Monkey
Bob: Yo dude I heard this weird smacking noise in your room.
Jim: Yeah dude I was droppin a beat.
Bob: Gross you better not have gotten some milk juice on my keyboard
by D-Mo Money December 4, 2007
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The art of placing one's thumb into another party's bum while having intercourse "doggy style", with intention to rev up the current situation. Much like a dirt bike, the more you hit the throttle the more it should get things moving. This is much different than stinky pinky and is generally more acceptable than other phalanges going into the bum. And it's also easier to clean mud thumb than mud helmet.
Hey Adam, last night I was hittin' it from behind and she really didn't seem that into it, so I decided I would try droppin' the throttle to spice things up. She loved it just like the last women!
by Witti G June 25, 2014
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When you lift up your leg and let the shit fal out of your basketball shorts (MUST BE WEARING BOXERS AS WELL)
by J2RICHMAN3 November 24, 2010
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The act of pooping out or removing a bar of soap by any means necessary that has been put in your anus.
I've been Droppin' A Dove for 15 minutes.
by apap3rbag January 16, 2011
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Screening a phone call. Deliberately not answering a phone call because you dont want to talk to that particular person.
"Rick isn't answering his phone, he's droppin screens"
by A-Town Crew June 3, 2005
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