A state (usually drunken) when you run out of adjectives in the middle of a conversation and settle for the easiest ones such as "nice", "good, "bad", etc!
Dude, I got so high yesterday I even came down with the Adjective Deficiency Syndrome (ADS)! Everything I spoke about was just "nice" or "bad"!

I always told my teacher that it's not that I'm lazy to write essays, I just have Adjective Defficiency Syndrome (ADS) - this is why my adjectives sucked but she was not supportive!
by Boyfie January 14, 2013
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An excuse for being a friendless loser.
Guy 1: Why don’t you ever hang out with anyone?
Guy 2: Oh, I have mid level acquaintance deficiency
by White Ice Cube January 28, 2023
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MDS is a severe neurophysical and behavioral disorder characterized by a lack of marijuana in one's system. Victims of MDS exhibit a tendency to buzzkill, harsh on good times, and induce downer vibes. MDS is treatable, but not curable.
The Federal Government's raid on Oaksterdam University suggest that Obama may be suffering from Marijuana Deficiency Syndrome (MDS).
by Fred Quick May 9, 2012
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Also known as OSSD.

When an individual finds it incredibly difficult to converse or interact with a person of the opposite sex.

Also occurs when an individual can interact with a person of the opposite sex, but speaks without thinking, offends them without knowing it, or just doesn't know how to treat them. This can be seen in terrible boyfriends/girlfriends, pimps, annoying nerds, and short white freckled kids who think they're tough.
Justin: *mumbling* umm.. hi... i'm justin.. uh...
Hottest Girl in School: Hey, um, I don't remember ever seeing you before...
Justin: yeah um that's cus i'm always behind you... wait no i mean...
HGiS: Ew! Get away you freak!

*justin runs back to friends*
Friend: Omg man, do you have OSSD or something?!
Justin: What's that?
Friend: Opposite-sex social deficiency. You can figure it out.
by Synoryth November 5, 2009
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A mental/neurological disorder. The primary symptom: submitting one's own name (or that of an acquaintance) to the Urban Dictionary, usually defined as (for males): "great guy", "spunk pump with huge cock", "mini-micro dick", "an asshole supreme", etc. (for females): "fine lady", "slut", whore", "slut-whore", "skeeving skeezer", "cock tease", "bitch", etc. In the most serious form of the disorder, the patient actually thinks he/she/it is worthy of something beyond the withering contempt and ridicule heaped upon them by the editors.
This guy obviously suffers from "Definition Deficiency Syndrome"-he submitted his girlfriend's name last week and praised her, but now she's a cankerous, syphilitic slut with buck teeth and excess nose hair.
by Mary Nightshade January 17, 2010
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When a male goes a long period of time without getting twerked on.
After not going to a party for three weeks, Tommy suffered from Twerk Received Deficiency Syndrome.
by TrenteDaRealest November 22, 2012
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