Short for Dungeons & Dragons, D&D is a Tabletop RPG created in he 70's, prominently featured in the Netflix original Stranger Things as the favorite game played by the main characters. It involves the creation and role playing of a character, and the determination of an action's success by the role of one of several dice. In he 80's, a line of action figures and an animated series were created. There are currently 5 main editions, plus the 3.5th edition.
"D&D? You mean that nerd game with wizards or some shit?"
"No, i mean that awesome game with action and adventure that I play."
by TheAlmightyQuidYT December 10, 2018
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Honestly, I’m not looking for a serious relationship girl. Let me get that D&D and I’m Gucci!
by clowknee June 20, 2019
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The new generation of D&D guys are even often times preps. we are going to destroy this stereotype.

We get action dumb asses.
Yeah i play D&D too. Oh how about we go back to my place.
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Death & Destruction

An euphemism for calling in artillery or air strike onto an enemy position
"This is Dancer One, we need some D&D dumped on sector three-seven! I want a mix of cluster munitions, mixed with Willie Pete, now!
by Peezee-Ark October 5, 2003
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Short for Dick and Dip. Meet up with a girl, fuck her and immediately leave.
Dashawn: Hey, whats up with that girl from the other night?
Darian: She had a fat ass but she was crazy so I hit her with the D&D!
by Stralock May 24, 2019
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