To study or revise; become informed about a new subject. Possibly Jackspeak (UK Royal Navy slang). Can also be "buff up".
I don't know anything about it; I'll have to boff up on it tonight.
by Strigulino November 8, 2013
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Slang name given to a person who is short, fat, overweight, smelly, swears all the time, is rather vulgar and enjoys bean stains.
look at that boff....what a smelly fat fuck
by swell + coote November 7, 2006
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A Guy with massive hair and is also a complete turd
Or No that guy is just a Boff Knot yeah!
by ben dearden April 25, 2007
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Another word for toll both or someone stupid/annoying/fool.
Don't be such a Doll Boff
by Pielover945 November 4, 2009
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When a female performs deep-throat fellatio on a man too soon after she has eaten and as a result she regurgitates or ‘boffs’ her stomach contents onto the man’s genitalia.
Matt: Sandra started sucking my wang while we were driving home from dinner and after I slammed her head down too far she boffed all over my cock. It was rank, I had to scrape all her dinner out from my boxers. I think I’m gonna have to dump the bitch.

John: Yeah, no relationship can survive a boff-job
by Sac-Twang April 5, 2011
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when 2 people simultaneously and not intentionally fart at the same time resulting in the phrase of 1 to the other, "hey man, a double boff!"
john and derek fart at he same time, derek loks to john and says "double boff!"
by bumhead77 August 21, 2008
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A game, popularized by the TV show "30 Rock," played by two or more people. Game participants trade off selecting three individuals (they may be living, dead, and/or fictional) for the other participants to either "Kill, Boff, or Marry." Each participant must then say whether or not they would kill, boff, or marry each of the selected individuals. Individuals to kill, boff, or marry are usually selected to fit the participants sexual orientation. The best game results are usually obtained when individuals who are unattractive, disliked by others, and/or old are selected to categorize.
Jim says to Jane, "Kill Boff Marry - George W. Bush, Dane Cook, and Quasimodo." Jane responds, "This is a tough one Jim, but I'd kill Dane Cook because he's an unfunny asshole, I'd boff Bush, but it would be spiteful in a hate-fuck sort of way, and I'd marry Quasimodo because overall he seems like a good guy."
by Samwar May 29, 2008
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