when a man ejaculates in a womans ass and then she proceeds to fart which blows the semen out of her ass
"wow dude, cathy just fucking did a blowhole in my room."
by pedro17473254736 December 16, 2015
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When you have a penis in your mouth and it ejaculates. Rather than swallowing you blow the load out of your nose.
“Hey, I heard you did a blowhole last night.”
Yeah, so much jizz came out of my nose.”
by Cmd1787 January 28, 2018
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What you call someone who is always horny for a strange. They always like a creampie and like to try to lick the cum off the pussy/ass.
Friend: I fucking just saw a blowhole on the street. You: Oh Yeah! Friend: You don't get it! She unzipped my pants and bounced on my dick. You: ... Friend: She tried to lick her pussy clean!
by SisterZestyLips69 March 13, 2019
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The Btown Blowhole is when you’re playing ping pong with a sexual partner and your paddle is essentially your asshole. You catch the ball in your asshole and poof it out like a whales blowhole and continue playing.
“Yo you tryna do the Btown Blowhole” “Yeah man let me get out my paddle ;)”
by TheBtownBlowholeMaker April 8, 2021
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An unspecified ailment that can be caught from unsanitary conditions
Don't pick up that dirty frisbee you found in the mud. You'll catch typhlia of the blowhole.
by thewaitingape@gmail.com April 30, 2022
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A more kid-friendly version of " tear a new asshole" . It's a pirate-oriented version, and it means to either give someone a massive whooping or to give someone a massive scolding.
by GallopingSausage June 15, 2020
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When accidentally try to reverse clear a bong and the water shoots out the stem.
Damn, this nigga over here blowholeing his shit again!
by Dontknowitall May 31, 2019
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