When you decide that you've sunk low enough to purchase Urethral Beads, only to insert them and rip them out like a 4th grader playing with a Beyblade.
"Beyblade Beyblade let it ri-AAAUUUUGGHHH!"

"So I decided to play Urban Beyblade last night."
"How was it?"
"I'm throwing away my Urethral Beads"
by Drunken Bastard August 7, 2021
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After inserted a miserable amount anal-beads you start to sing the beyblade team song and when it gets to let it rip you yank them out
Last night I beybladed this chick with a 15 meter long anal beads
by Smithchips242 April 16, 2021
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Spinning metal things of mass destruction

tip: do not touch them when they are spinning ;)
yooooo sheeesh is that a BeyBey

no its a beyblade dumbass
by Cloaker September 17, 2021
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When a Lucio boops an ulting reaper.
My whole team got killed cause the Lucio was playing with his ''Beyblade''.
by ThaLeggend August 29, 2017
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spinning toy that spin, popular but arent as popular anymore, they have had tournaments or something
chad1: lets beyblade battle
chad2: ok
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When you stick a line of anal beads in someones ass, grab the end and pull it out, spinning them like a beyblade.
“Ever since we tried the beyblade and I let it rip with the wife, she hasn’t answered an of my texts. In fact, she didn’t even move since she rammed her head into the wall.”
by the_ratking June 14, 2021
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Like a spinner but for larger women
Yeah dude, last night I spun a beyblade all night!
by beyblader23 February 24, 2021
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